INFS2621 15s1 - install SAP ECC6 on Mac OS X


  1. These are instructions for Mac OS X. If you are using Windows, Vincent will be demonstrating the Windows installation procedure on the screens.
  2. Please do not follow any of the web links in the PDF files. Vincent's USB has all the files you need.
  3. Please ask Blair or Vincent for help if anything goes wrong. Click here to signal for help.
  4. You will only be installing the software today; you will receive login details at a later time.


Please ensure that you have all the essential files! Get them off Vincent's USBs; do not download these off the internet. The optional files are also provided to you; they are the basis of these instructions but they have been modified to suit our needs.


  1. My SAP/SAP ECC6 Installation/Mac/connections
  2. My SAP/SAP ECC6 Installation/Mac/javaforosx.dmg
  3. My SAP/SAP ECC6 Installation/Mac/jdk-7u25-macosx-x64.dmg
  4. My SAP/SAP ECC6 Installation/Mac/PlatinGUI730MacOSX_3-20008876.JAR


  1. My SAP/SAP ECC6 Installation/SAP ECC6 Installation Instruction.pdf
  2. My SAP/SAP ECC6 Installation/Mac/Installation_SAPGUI_720_for_MacOSX.pdf
  3. My SAP/SAP ECC6 Installation/Mac/Installation_SAPGUI_720_730_for_MacOSX.pdf


  1. Double-click and install jdk-7u25-macosx-x64.dmg
  2. Double-click and install PlatinGUI730MacOSX_3-20008876.JAR
  3. Double-click and install javaforosx.dmg
  4. Navigate to ~/Library/Preferences/SAP - see section below
  5. Move connections to ~/Library/Preferences/SAP, overwriting any already installed file
  6. Verify install: [COMMAND]⌘+SPACE and then search for "SAP". Strike ENTER on your keyboard to launch.
  7. Open the "Connections" folder and double click on G16[ECC604-GBI230-01]
  8. Accept the security warning
  9. Verify that login screen is shown

How to go to a specific folder

This is required for you to navigate to ~/Library/Preferences/SAP to drop the connections file there.